Thursday, August 15, 2013


Two weeks until we make our move South! We are getting excited about starting our new life in a new place. I am so ready to have my own place. We are thankful for all the house/dog sitting jobs in Kodiak, but we are ready to sit in our own chairs, cook with our own cookware, drive our own trucks, watch our own tv, etc. Abby, however, does not care. She would be so happy to live with a gypsy family. She is no doubt the most adaptable dog I have ever seen!! No one can say that we failed to socialize her! HA!

BUT, we both miss McGrath so much. This is the best time of the year to live there. The leaves will be changing, berries are ready, and MOOSE SEASON! Roger Seavoy had to make it worse by telling us that he spotted two nice bulls in our hunting spot while flying the other day.


1 comment:

  1. Holly, I'M missing McGrath and I've never even been there! Keeping up with your Blog has been my own personal experience with Nat Geo!
