Thursday, July 11, 2013

For those of you who do not already know, Bo and I are trading AK for AR. Yep, we are moving again and this is the last time for awhile! After many sleepless nights and stressful days agonizing over pros and cons, we decided to go for it. Bo was selected as the manager of White River National Wildlife Refuge in St. Charles, Arkansas. We are super excited about this next adventure but will be sad to leave this great state and all of our wonderful friends.

This is a picture of the house that we will be moving into when we get to St. Charles. The best part is that it doesn't cost $350,000 (it would in Kodiak!!) and that we will no longer be house sitters. Another great thing about this house is that it has a basement/storm shelter for tornadoes-YAY! I've never had one of those.

Anyway, I will keep up with the blog and keep everyone informed of all the exciting things we do while still in Kodiak, but I will stop the blog when we leave. Our plan right now is to leave early September.

THANK YOU to everyone who has followed us on this GREAT adventure and taken the time to check out our exciting lives as Alaskans!!

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