Friday, May 24, 2013

Welcome party for the new staff and summer volunteers at Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge. It was held at a public use area along the Buskin River. I was so excited when we pulled up and saw dogs running everywhere. Bo immediately went back to get Abby. I was worried Abby wouldn't have as many swimming/playing opportunities that she did in McGrath but I was wrong. Ceasar Milan would be so proud! We had 3 black labs, 1 yellow lab, 1 chocolate lab, 1 chesapeake bay retriever, 1 lab/pit mix, 1 spaniel and one other kind and NOT A SINGLE FIGHT and they didn't bother the people or the food.

This is my favorite one. All the labs going for one stick.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bo, Holly & Abby...I was so happy to see Abby playing with the gang at the cookout. My favorite was also the 'swim fest' in the river and enjoying the hotel living so much. Winston loves it too. I'm enjoying the pictures of your new home but I have to tell you that I'm going to miss seeing the kids, your friends and the animals in McGrath.Have fun and don't stress!
