Saturday, November 17, 2012

Anniversary Tradition!!! (frozen pizza and diet coke) (we added the egg rolls and Jim Beam this year! HA!)
8 years of unbelievable happiness!!

Me and my mentor teacher, Joyce. She's the BEST!

My Social Studies unit. We compared how the Egyptians used the Nile River to how people in McGrath use the Kuskokwim River!! Huge Success!!!!! We even did art on actual papyrus which is a plant that grew wild along the Nile. We also sang "Sweet Home Nile River" to the tune of - yep, Sweet Home Alabama. TOO much fun - and to think, I will actually get paid for this one day. HA!

The kids working hard on the wildlife art project. This was my first "official" art lesson. The kids loved it and I loved it!

Art project - half photo and half colored pencils. The kids in my 3rd - 6th grade class are excellent artists!
Baby beaver hat!! For Leif Eggleston
Chris, Cari and Leif made it home to McGrath yesterday. Welcome home and we look forward to
spoiling him like crazy!