Thursday, May 31, 2012

Got this from Ricky Flynt's facebook page.  I thought this was too good not to share.  Spring 1989
Unforunately, I did not take this CUTE picture, but it was taken near McGrath.  All the little ones are out and about now. This was taken by a friend in McGrath.  You may have to click on the picture to see all of it.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Back to McGrath with Casey's bear!!! YAY!

Proud papa!!
Teresa, I'm thinking Christmas card!!

Having a cold one and watching Zane do all the work!!

Checked by the game warden! HA! Just kidding, this is our friend Jack stopping by after work to see Casey's bear.
Tim and Zane skinning Tim's beaver.
Crazy boys are too cheap to get a hotel room!!
Sleeping in Anchorage airport

Casey's 1st Black Bear!!
200lb sow  5/28/12 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Casey flew with an Alaskan bush pilot/area biologist, Roger, in his Piper PA 12.  They did not see any bears but lots of moose and possibly a wolf.

At the shooting range
Adaptive ear protection. Empty 45 shell casings. Leave it to Zane!!

Bill, Zane, Jimbo, Bo and Casey getting the boat ready to go bear hunting!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Look who else was at the river!  Nuka, Dara's new malamute puppy
Learning new things!
McGrath School Bike-a-thon 2012
Innoko's Summer Bio. Techs building our greenhouse. YAY!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fun at the river

Cute little bird

Mother's Day Picnic 
May 12, 2012
McGrath, AK

Benny cooks a pig every year to celebrate Mother's Day, and everyone brings a dish to share with the community.  Good times!!

My big black kitten!?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kuskokwim River break up 
April 30th, 2012 
2:30 pm

She just loves it!