Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

This is our moose hunting/camping trip on the last weekend of moose season. Bo and I left out on Friday afternoon and got back Sunday night. We went out in search of a 60 inch bull (since we have two very full freezers just any bull wouldn't do)! We saw several really nice bulls but nothing we were sure of. We saw tons of moose -bulls, cows and calves. Moose hunting is very exciting while listening to the bulls grunt and thrash trees!! A little too exciting when Bo called one in to within 30 yards!! Makes you wish you were up a tree!

This is our room with a view!

Making freeze dried blueberry cheesecake - it was yuck!

getting ready to cook some hotdogs

Spotted this one on our boat ride home.

Blurry, but you get the idea. Nice bull! This is one of the 4 nice bulls we had in shooting range. This one was about 100 yards away, Bo called in two different bulls - one at 30 yards and one at 40 yards, the other one was about 200 yards away. We were definitely tropy hunting this year as we don't need the meat. We are kinda second guessing ourselves a little, some of these racks may have been bigger than we thought. Oh well, we had an awesome time!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

wolf tracks

bald eagle nest

bald eagle

Bo calling the moose in

Grizzly bear pot roast!!! Surprising yummy!

how sweet

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The guys flying in for the big float/hunting trip. They were hunting for sheep, moose, grizzly bear and wolf. Hard hunt but a great trip!! They were flown from McGrath to Fish Creek. After 9 days of hunting they were picked up in Nikolai and flown back to McGrath.

unloading the raft and gear

Setting the rafts up and getting ready to go!


And the tent is gone in the wind - forever!

stick to the eye

Black bear



That's tired!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bo, Zane and Don Keith's hunting adventure. Many more pictures to come, too many to post at once. Check back later!

This does not look fun!

found one

Don Keith and Zane

young bull moose

Bo's grizzly bear!
estimated at 8 years old
500 lbs
skull measured 19 3/8 inches long