Tuesday, August 31, 2010

fleshing and stretching beaver

Sunday, August 22, 2010

This is what broccoli should look like

This is what it looks like after a moose has been in the yard. HA!

This cow moose stepped out across the river from our picnic spot!

It's a bed for camping...

And it's a floor!
we now have side windows
(and the front one slides!)
inside view
First head of cabbage from the garden!!
Carrots also from our garden.
Soon to be slaw!

The barge
All of these conex boxes have material for the new refuge airplane hanger

The other refuge plane - coming in from field camp
This is a raft made out of two canoes - very creative!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Maggie's new favorite thing - berry picking!!

Jerry blueberry picking!!

Bou enjoyed himself too!

Dara, Jerry, Melissa and Bo (dogs - Maggie, Bou and Tiaga)
Kevin and their other dog Inga is around somewhere.

We worked up an appetite with all that berry picking.
Hot dog picnic at Noir Hill - the very end of the road.
You can barely see the outline of the Alaska Range in the background.
Inga (in the back of the truck) is in "time-out" for eating the rest of the hot dogs!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

This is for you Chee Chee!!
Welcoming Jerry to Mcgrath and US Fish and Wildlife Service!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Me and Lilly blueberry picking!!
Bo surprised us and took some pictures.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Update on our garden!
Lettuce box
Nasturitium - leaves and flowers are edible


Our 2nd garden - potatoes, turnips and onions (and Bou)
Wild raspberries - in our yard

A beautiful Sunday afternoon!
This is what Bou does while we fish. A boat and water just doesn't excite him anymore. He has had enough of that in his lifetime!!
Building a campfire

She LOVES to swim

Roasting hot dogs
Maggie saw this beaver log floating down the river. So she jumped in and got it!